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Semen analysis

Semen analysis

Semen analysis or sperm count examination helps in measuring the quality and quantity of sperm and semen. Sample of semen is examined under microscope. The major goal is to analyze the sperm count, motility and shape of the sperm required for fertilization.

Who needs semen analysis?

Top reasons why male may require semen analysis are:

Male infertility: Semen abnormality may be responsible for infertility. There can be an issue with the male sperm.

Vasectomy follow-up: Semen analysis can help in determining whether vasectomy has emerged as a successful treatment previously in a particular male.

How does semen analysis work?

Semen sample is produced by man through masturbation and since this process produces a clean sample, it is always preferred. Sperm count may vary from one day to the other, hence different sperm samples may be required on multiple days. Semen analysis in Adam And Eve Test Tube Baby Center in Noida lab ensures accurate results.

What does semen analysis determine?

Semen analysis can help take a closer look at Ph levels, volume of semen, sperm concentration, sperm motility, sperm morphology, WBCs, vitality, etc.

How long does the process of IUI take?

Timeline for this process is somewhere around 2-3 days. Before the process begins, the patients may have to undergo semen analysis, bloodwork, diagnostics and ultrasound. Oral fertility medication for increasing the chances of ovulation can be given. Insemination takes just a few minutes as it’s a quick process at Adam And Eve Test Tube Baby Center in Noida.

How to prepare for semen analysis?

The male should abstain from any kind of sexual activity for 2 to 7 days before the day of providing the sample, including intercourse or masturbation. It ensures highest sperm count followed by a thorough analysis.

There are absolutely no side effects or risks involved in semen sample collection for semen analysis and one can easily return to doing normal activities immediately after the test has been completed.